發文作者:Wonderland Villas Focus Group | 9 六月, 2015


讀者來鴻, 提出以下之情況: [開業委會七位業委列席,在某議案表決時,兩位贊成,一位反對,五位棄權,管理公司說不過半數便不能通過,否決了,這說法對嗎?請賜教,謝謝]

日前, 筆者請教了一位飽學之士 (HKers大多數都能掌握中, 英, 兩文, 為保原汁原味, 不煩再翻譯了) 他的回覆如下:

In a committee meeting, the votes are counted according to the show of hands as follows (hypothetical case only):

1. In favour (= approve the resolution under discussions) – 4 hands putup

2. Against (= against the resolution to be passed) – 3 hands put up
3. Abstain (= give up the right to vote) – 1 hand put up
If there are 8 committee members present – 4 voted “In Favour", 3 voted “Against" and 1 voted “Abstain", the result of the voting for this resolution will be declared as: 4 against 3, resolution PASSED. The “abstain" vote is not counted.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, in terms of voting, to “abstain" means “to choose not to use a vote, either in favour of or against something"
According to Dictionary.com, in terms of voting, to “abstain" means to refrain from casting one’s vote.
When one chooses not to use a vote when he is qualified to do so, he gives up his right to vote – thereby giving up any say whatsoever.
In Chinese, the meaning is exactly the same – i.e. give up the right to vote.
Therefore, this “abstain" vote is not counted.

日昨, 筆者亦諮詢了HY的註村經理, 何先生。 他的答案如下:
“只要會議夠法定人數, 其合法性便確立。 而根據BMO (Building Management Ordinance) 之條例, 棄權票是不計的, 故上述情況之[兩位贊成,一位反對], 議案最終以二票對一票通過。"

為維護自已權益, 請善用手上一票。 拋磚引玉, 期望各位高明不吝賜教。


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